Run time: 47 seconds

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Have you taken a position in your marketplace?

Whether you’ve consciously committed to a position or not, your audience has a perception of where you sit relative to your competition. By not committing or not being aware of where you sit, you could risk diluting your message, failing to stand out from the competition and confusing customers who are a really good fit.

But what does it mean to take a position?
Market positioning means defining what is distinct about you, that makes you stand out from the crowd. So, a great place to start is by deciding what that factor is. It could be:

  • Price
  • Quality
  • Convenience
  • A feature
  • Application

It can also be helpful to map out where your competitors sit in the marketplace, to pick somewhere that isn’t already used or crowded.

Next week, we’ll move the conversation on with the three levels of brand positioning.

What is a marketing funnel and why do you need one?

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