Website design

The importance of online reviews to your marketing

The importance of online reviews to your marketing

We all know that in the past decade digital has been the big story in the marketing world, with traditional techniques either being side-lined or used alongside new technologies, such as social media. To an extent, some of the more traditional marketing practices have...

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Utilising the 12 minute window to capture your customers

Capture your customers New research has revealed that businesses have only a short 12 minute window to capture your customers to invest in their services or product before they move on to look into a more enticing competitor. The brief nature of this interaction means...

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Could your website work better for your business?

Do you need a website review? When you are working hard in your business, it can be easy to overlook areas of your company such as your website.  What might have seemed like a great website a few years ago might now look dated, carry information that no longer...

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