Market Harborough half marathon
Saturday June 13th 2015 The Ideal Marketing Company are proud sponsors of Market Harborough’s very first Half Marathon Corporate Challenge. If you and your colleagues would like to take part in an exciting running event, we would encourage you to join many other local businesses and enter the Corporate Challenge and help us support The Squires Effect.
How can you do this? By assembling and entering a team to compete in a four person relay team (each member of which will have to run a section of approximately 3.25 miles) you will be automatically donating to charity, with proceeds being given to The Squires Effect. You can of course decide to get your team sponsored to raise additional money, either for The Squires Effect or indeed any charity of your choice. Or you may decide to take part without additional charity sponsorship.
For the inaugural Harborough Half Marathon Corporate Challenge we are aiming to sign up at least 10 local business teams. Will your company be one of them? Perhaps you would like to invite a rival local business to take part in some friendly competition? If you are a pub, perhaps some of your regulars would like to form a team and challenge another local pub? Perhaps one of your departments would like to challenge another department within your company? However you do it, you can be sure of a huge crowd to cheer you off at 12pm on the 13th June, the same day as the Harborough Carnival.
Each team needs up to 4 members capable of running 3.25 miles. They don’t all need to work for your company, but must be associated with it in some way. As well as the fun, honour and team building that taking place in such an event generates, there are also some goodies on offer:
- A race T-shirt for each of the 4 relay runners
- A medal to each team member – worn with pride after the race
- Plus the team with the fastest time will take home a race trophy and celebratory 20 litres of beer, courtesy of the Langton Brewery.
So, what are you waiting for? Assemble your team, APPLY HERE and make ready to ditch your suits for shorts this 13th June!
*Please note that in order to enter the corporate relay you need to enter online as 4 individuals then contact with names of runners and a team name/business, who will then add you to the team. The Harborough Half Marathon is organised by Race Harborough